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Seasonal Worker Safety 2: Supervision and Leadership

Duration: 1 Hour

Supervisors hold pivotal roles towards ensuring the safety of temporary and seasonal workers during peak tire changeover seasons. This session will explore the key legal responsibilities supervisors hold in maintaining a safe workplace and how to foster a culture of safety that rewards positive behaviours and incentivizes workers to champion safety initiatives. Through practical tips and real-world examples, participants will discover how to effectively communicate safety expectations, address safety issues promptly, and empower their teams.

Safety Connection Seasonal Worker Safety 2: Supervision and Leadership
Registration fee per person: $0.00
9:00 am
Live Online Training
202 Seats
Session ID: 227183
9:00 am
Live Online Training
Session ID:
202 Seats


WSPS Safety Connection events are focused, timely virtual sessions that address hazards and risks in the Agricultural, Manufacturing and Services Sectors. AVAILABLE AT NO COST to all health & safety professionals across the province and across Canada.

What Are The Benefits?
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  • Stay up-to-date on legislative updates, new and emerging hazards, and trending topics in health & safety.
  • Engage in forward thinking discussions, gain knowledge and discover new approaches from industry colleagues.
  • Network with like minded professionals.
Who Is This Recommended For?
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These events are suitable for all WSPS members and customers within any industry who wish to expand their health and safety knowledge, share best practices and network with their peers.

  • Health & Safety Professionals
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Health & Safety Representatives
  • H&S Coordinators
  • HR Professionals
  • Operational Leaders
  • Joint Health & Safety Committee Members
How Can Session Be Delivered?
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  • Virtual facilitated presentation - 1.5 hours in length
  • Encourages an open exchange with Q&As and discussions through virtual chat
  • This event is not a training session
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