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Upcoming Virtual Safety Connections 

These events are virtual and fill up fast. Book your seat now.  

This energizing platform provides you with an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas and share best practices in workplace health and safety from the comfort of your own home.

Navigate to the bottom of this page to learn more about each upcoming Safety Connection.

Rear view of farmer driving tractor on agricultural farm field
Rear view of farmer driving tractor on agricultural farm field

Safety Connection: Preventing Struck by Incidents in the Agricultural Sector

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Image of a supervisor training a young worker
Image of a supervisor training a young worker

Safety Connection: Managing Young Workers - What Every Supervisor Needs To Know

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Image of people reviewing project layout
Image of people reviewing project layout

Safety Connection: Brick by Brick - How to Implement a Sustainable OHS Program

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 A close-up of a person stepping on a broken pallet that poses a severe risk of causing a fall and injury.
 A close-up of a person stepping on a broken pallet that poses a severe risk of causing a fall and injury.

Safety Connection: Preventing Slips Trips and Falls in the Agricultural Sector

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Image of a person using a spray gun for painting
Image of a person using a spray gun for painting

Safety Connection: Designated Substances Assessments – Guidance for Employers

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Image of workers stacking shelves using a ladder
Image of workers stacking shelves using a ladder

Safety Connection: Ladder Safety in Retail & Restaurants

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Image of workers wearing gloves to prevent exposure to checmicals
Image of workers wearing gloves to prevent exposure to checmicals

Safety Connection: Air Assessments - What Are They & MLITSD Campaign Compliance

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Happy Latin American farmer selling organic strawberries to a client at a Farmer's Market
Happy Latin American farmer selling organic strawberries to a client at a Farmer's Market

Safety Connection: Managing Agriculture Safety without a Safety Department

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Image of a woman sitting with hand on forehead during a meeting
Image of a woman sitting with hand on forehead during a meeting

Safety Connection: Keep Calm? Carry On? Prevent Workplace Violence & Harassment

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people standing in circle with hands outstretched
people standing in circle with hands outstretched

Safety Connection: Using Consensus in Safety Decision-Making

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Image of workers looking at blueprints
Image of workers looking at blueprints

Safety Connection: Brick by Brick - How to Implement a Sustainable OHS Program

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Wooden brown judge gavel on the table in the foreground, open book in the background
Wooden brown judge gavel on the table in the foreground, open book in the background

Safety Connection: Navigating the OHS Act and Regulations

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Learn More About Available Safety Connections:

 To learn more about each webinar event before booking check out the list below.
Booking options are available on each page as well:

Illustration of a a skeleton with the neck area highlighted red to indicate pain or discomfort

Safety Connection: Ergo Insights-A new resource to help with safe MMH work design

How much weight is too much to lift? How high is too high? How low is too low? These are questions that ergonomists are frequently asked, and WSPS is here to help workplaces with the answers.  Join this session to learn about our new resource “Ergo Insights- Safe Manual Material Handling” that has been developed to assist workplaces in designing safe manual material handling tasks to improve working conditions and reduce costly injuries and claims. Participants will get access to this resource and will gain an understanding of how to use the resource step by step with relevant examples.  

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close up of a hand grasping a pen about to write on a note pad

Safety Connection: Designated Substances Control Program - Practice Guidance

The Ontario Designated Substances Regulation has been around since the 1980s, but some employers have not implemented the control program. This webinar will focus on the regulatory framework around the control program, which may be needed after completing a designated substances assessment. Learn content on the regulation, specific to control programs, hear about the MLITSD guide regarding designated substances in the workplace and become aware of control program content. Note: This webinar will have limited focus on the designated substances assessment.

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Wooden brown judge gavel on the table in the foreground, open book in the background

Safety Connection: Navigating the OHS Act and Regulations

Are you a supervisor or small business owner who’s unsure how to use the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (the “Green Book”)? Do you find it challenging to find information and understand the health and safety legislative requirements relevant to your business? If so, our upcoming webinar, “Navigating the OHS Act and Regulations” is for you!

Things You'll Learn:

  • Time Savers: How to find information in the OHS Act and Regulations, based on how it’s structured
  • Better Understanding: What certain words/terms mean and how this affects what’s required 
  • Frequent Flyers: Where key pieces of legislation can be found that you may routinely access
  • Flexible Access: Strategies for navigating both the printed “Green Book”, as well as e-laws.
  • Compliance Tracking: Strategies to stay on top of changes to legislation

Don't miss this chance to learn how to find health and safety information quickly and efficiently! Boost your safety knowledge and protect your team! Register now to take the first step towards a safer, more productive business. 

Note: It is recommended that participants have a current copy of the Green Book and e-Laws available to support hands on practise during the session. 

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Image of a spray gun being used

Safety Connection: Designated Substances Assessments – Guidance for Employers

The Ontario Designated Substances Regulation has been around since the 1980s, but some employers have not yet completed their Designated Substances Assessments. Learn about the regulatory framework around the Designated Substance Assessments, the MLITSD guide regarding designated substances in the workplace, applications where designated substances are used in industry today, and some practical tools and approaches to help with the implementation of the assessment.

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Over the shoulder view of two unrecognizable architects sitting in a meeting with their colleagues and reviewing technical drawings of a project they are designing.

Safety Connection: Brick by Brick - How to Implement a Sustainable OHS Program

Lay the foundation for successful OHS program implementation with Plan-Do-Check-Act. Using an Incident Investigation Program case study, we will equip you with practical tools and knowledge to navigate the implementation process. From blueprints to dream home, you’ll leave with the skills to build an effective, lasting safety program.

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WHMIS label with pictograms on a blue chemical tank

Safety Connection: Managing Chemicals - Keeping Workers Safe Step by Step

Most workplaces use chemicals, ranging from lower risk consumer products to high hazard designated substances. Some organizations struggle to identify risks and implement effective controls, leaving workers at risk of occupational disease. In this session, we will discuss chemical safety from pre-purchase to disposal following the recognize, assess, control, and evaluate model, highlighting regulatory requirements and sharing tips to keep your workers and property safe.

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Supermarket manager giving training to a new employee who is a new worker

Safety Connection: Managing Young Workers - What Every Supervisor Needs To Know

Have you ever looked back at something you did as a teen did and thought, “What was I thinking?”. You aren’t alone. Teen brains really do see risk differently. But did you know that research demonstrates the most predictive key performance indicator for reduced young worker injuries is their frontline supervisor? This session helps managers lead with insight by understanding the psychology and physiology that contributes to young worker risk. Participants will leave with evidence-based strategies for effectively tailoring risk messaging for younger audiences, build virtuous communication cycles that support working relationships, and learn why saying “my door is always open” isn’t enough.

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Open cabinet containing hazardous chemicals. Cans are dented and leaking with warning label visible.

Safety Connection: Burning Questions - Managing Flammable & Combustible Liquids

Poor storage practices and misuse of flammable and combustible liquids can lead to devastating fires and cause catastrophic injury and/or property damage. In this session, we will learn to identify and assess risk and discuss using the fire tetrahedron model to mitigate risk of fire. We’ll also answer common questions such as: how does a flammable liquid storage cabinet work? What is bonding and grounding? Do I need a pre-start health and safety review? What training do my staff need before using flammables? Come ignite your curiosity!

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Close up of unrecognizable manual workers cleaning dust from their gloves in a factory.

Safety Connection: Air Assessments - What Are They & MLITSD Campaign Compliance

MLITSD hygienists are currently conducting proactive inspections to ensure compliance with Regulation 833, Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents.

The goal is to prevent occupational illness and ensure that workers are not exposed to hazardous substances exceeding the occupational exposure limits.

Join WSPS for this FREE information webinar on how to comply and prevent occupational illness in your workplace. We will discuss:

  • What the MLITSD will focus on during their inspections
  • Employer obligations under Regulation 833
  • What is an Air Assessment
  • Tips how to prepare and protect your workers
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Seniors working in Supermarket

Safety Connection: Ladder Safety in Retail & Restaurants

Did you know that ladder accidents are a leading cause of serious injuries in retail and restaurants? Why do these incidents happen? Isn't using a ladder or stool just common sense? Join us for an eye-opening session where we'll uncover the hidden dangers of ladders in the service sector. Learn about restaurant/retail specific high-risk activities, options for accessing heights, and best practices to keep your workplace safe. Don't miss out on this crucial information to protect yourself and your team from preventable falls!

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Happy Latin American farmer selling organic strawberries to a client at a Farmer's Market

Safety Connection: Managing Agriculture Safety without a Safety Department

Are you a busy farmer or agricultural business owner juggling multiple responsibilities? Do you find it challenging to understand and implement workplace health and safety requirements while keeping your operation profitable? If so, our upcoming webinar, “Managing Safety Without a Safety Department,” is for you!
Tips You'll Learn:

  • Risk Management: Learn how to spot and reduce hazards in your daily operations.
  • Safety Protocols: Discover effective safety measures tailored to your farm's unique needs, including risk assessments and controls.
  • Compliance Tracking: Stay on top of industry regulations and standards effortlessly and find resources for workplace postings and record-keeping.
  • Resource Management: Optimize your resources to maintain a safe working environment, with support from WSPS

Don't miss this chance to boost your safety knowledge and protect your team! Register now to take the first step towards a safer, more productive farm.

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 A close-up of a person stepping on a broken pallet that poses a severe risk of causing a fall and injury.

Safety Connection: Preventing Slips Trips and Falls in the Agricultural Sector

Slips, trips and falls are common and result in injuries and even fatalities in the agricultural sector. Incidents involve falls from height or on the same level. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss slips, trips and falls in the sector, including the challenges, statistics, hazards and controls using relevant examples. Join us to share strategies for preventing injuries in the sector.

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Rear view of farmer driving tractor on agricultural farm field

Safety Connection: Preventing Struck by Incidents in the Agricultural Sector

Struck-by incidents are common and result in injuries and even fatalities in the agricultural sector. Incidents occur from contact with equipment and material. This session will present the struck-by trends in the sector, explore the hazards and controls to avert incidents using relevant examples. This session will equip you with the information and tools necessary to enhance struck-by prevention in the sector.

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Young business woman leaning forward with her forehead in her hand in an office while having a meeting

Safety Connection: Keep Calm? Carry On? Prevent Workplace Violence & Harassment

Service and hospitality sectors across Ontario are experiencing growing threats of workplace violence and harassment, such as uncivil, disrespectful, and abusive behaviours. This session will discuss why these behaviours are on the rise and how to effectively de-escalate individuals using an approach of caring, understanding and validating. We will explore how employers can create a comprehensive program and equip workers with the necessary skills to manage violence in the workplace.

This strategy aims not only to prevent violence and harassment, but also to create a safer environment for employees, emphasizing the importance of a psychologically safe workplace. Participants will be provided with a number of free resources to either begin implementing a workplace violence and harassment program in their workplace, or to expand and improve existing initiatives.

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people standing in circle with hands outstretched

Safety Connection: Using Consensus in Safety Decision-Making

Consensus can be considered both journey and destination – a process to arrive at a decision and a decision itself. But when, and why, should organizations consider consensus in safety? In this session, we will dive deeper into when consensus is appropriate, the benefits and drawbacks, learn how to apply consensus techniques to optimize collaborative team-based decision-making in a safety context while building trust and strengthening working relationships, and introduce the groundbreaking High Five Consensus Model. This session is appropriate for JHSCs, workplace and policy committees, and for safety leaders in organizations large and small.

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