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Substance Use in the Workplace: Addressing Stigma

Substance Use in the Workplace: Addressing Stigma

Learn about the impact of stigma and discrimination towards persons who use substances, and how to support the people affected.

Duration: 30 minutes
Price per person: Free

The opioid crisis affects individuals and families all over Canada. It may also impact the workplace. The impact of stigma towards substance use is a critical factor in how we talk to individuals, the policies we develop, and the approaches we take to provide care.

This free, 30-minute course will examine this impact, and how we can provide appropriate support to anyone affected.
What Topics Will Be Covered?
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  • Defining stigma and discrimination
  • How stigma can affect the care a person receives
  • How to respond to concerns without using stigmatizing language or behaviours
  • Appropriate steps to take when talking to others
What Are The Benefits?
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  • Describe stigma and discrimination
  • Explain how stigma can affect the care a person receives
  • Assess and respond to concerns without using stigmatizing language or behaviours
  • Take appropriate steps when talking to others
Average time to complete this course is approximately 30 minutes.
Who Is This Recommended For?
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This e-course is for everybody including employers, managers/supervisors, and employees who are interested in learning about substance use, and how to support those affected without using stigmatizing language.

Are there Prerequisites?
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How Can Training Be Delivered?
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This course is delivered as an on-line e-learning course. All you need is a computer, access to the Internet - and you are ready to go! This e-learning course is designed to help you learn at your own pace and in your own environment at your own convenience.

Review Process
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Certificate of Completion:  This course is offered free of charge to promote awareness of the topic only, and a certificate of completion is not provided.

This course is also available in French

Item Number: ESUWAS-P3140EN

Content for this course was developed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), and reviewed by labour, employer and government representatives to ensure a balanced perspective

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