Reduce the risk of racking collapse. Learn how to properly inspect and maintain steel storage racks using the CSA A344:24 User Guide for Steel Storage Racks.
Storage racks are used extensively in industrial workplaces, but are commonly neglected. Damage from forklift strikes and heavy loads is cumulative and can lead to racking collapse if the damage is not identified and repaired in time. Consequences of a collapse include:
Reduce the risk of racking collapse by learning how to properly inspect and maintain steel storage racks using the new CSA A344:24 User Guide for Steel Storage Racks.
Developed in exclusive partnership with CSA, this one-day, instructor-led course guides participants through the CSA A344 User Guide for Steel Storage Racks and provides them with the knowledge and experience to inspect racks and recognize hazards; gauge the severity of rack damage; and determine what to do before modifying racks or introducing new ones.
Through this training, employers will be able to:
This training is facilitated by a WSPS technical expert qualified in steel storage racking systems and with in-depth knowledge of the new CSA A344:24 Guide. Training can be personalized to any sector or workplace, including those with multiple locations.
Each participant receives a participant’s guide, a sample rack inspection checklist and a copy of the CSA A344 User Guide for Steel Storage Racks – a retail value of $100!
WSPS online instructor-led courses are delivered via Microsoft Teams Meetings. Platform specifics will be communicated at time of registration.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to use the CSA A344 User Guide for Steel Storage Racks to:
This course is intended for workplace parties in warehousing environments such as warehousing for logistics, freight forwarders & brokers; manufacturing; food storage & distribution; and retail and wholesale operations.
By position, the course is ideally suited for:
This course is delivered via Microsoft Teams Meetings, and can also be delivered in an on-site location.
Please contact Customer Care at 905 614 1400 or 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) for more information about availability and on-site pricing.
CSA offers this program at locations outside of Ontario. To register or for additional information visit the CSA Group Learning Institute.
To ensure an optimal training experience, we strongly recommend participants to use laptops or desktop computers and avoid using mobile phones or tablets.