This half day session will be comprised of two parts; part one will focus on reviewing the OHSA Act and strategies to ensure compliance while building a legal framework to reduce risks in the workplace. Part two will be a review workplace incident case studies resulting in legal prosecutions, how the RACE model (recognize, assess, control and evaluate) is used and how it may prevent similar incidents occurring in your workplace, and introduce free resources from the WSPS website to support your prevention efforts. A MLITSD representative will be hand to answer any questions you may have.
Machines and equipment are widely used in agriculture, service and manufacturing to produce a variety of goods and services. As valuable as they are, however; they can pose serious risk to worker health and safety, resulting in serious injuries or fatalities.
The first part of the awareness session will focus on understanding the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. This session will provide a high-level overview of the OHSA and discuss strategies for legal compliance. By comprehending the legal framework, companies can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries and costly legal prosecutions.
The second part will be a review of workplace incident case studies resulting in legal prosecutions, how the RACE model (recognize, assess, control and evaluate) is used and how it may prevent similar incidents occurring in your workplace, followed by an introduction of free resources to support your prevention efforts moving forward. A MLITSD representative will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
These workshops will be of particular interest to employers and workers across all industries, but with particular focus at small to mid-sized businesses seeking to enhance their understanding of health and safety management including:
Gain clear understanding of the legislation, duties and responsibilities for applicable workplace parties