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Violence in the Workplace: Awareness

eCourse Violence in the Workplace: Awareness

Understand this important workplace issue - what it is, who's affected, and what you can do about it.

Duration: 15-20 Minutes
Price per person: Free


Workplace violence is a serious issue that affects all business sectors and occupations and the safety and security of every employee and employer. This course is offered FREE of charge by WSPS to promote the awareness of this very important issue, and as a precursor to the other Workplace Violence e-courses: Recognize the Risk and Take Action, and Establish a Prevention Program.

What topics will be covered?
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  • What is workplace violence?
  • Behaviours associated with workplace violence
  • Sources of violent behaviour in the workplace
  • Workplace violence prevention legislation
What are the benefits?
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Upon completion of this course you will know:

  • Who is affected by workplace violence
  • Workplace violence is an important workplace issue
  • The broad definition of workplace violence with respect to the types of behaviours and the source of the behaviour
  • The legal obligation of employers have to protect employees from workplace violence
Who is this recommended for?
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  • Committee members, managers, supervisors and workers
  • Facility managers, human resources managers, senior managers and others with health and safety responsibilities

If you are a worker or front line supervisor and need more information on how to recognize and prevent workplace violence, see Violence in the Workplace - Recognize the Risk and Take Action.

If you need to develop and implement a workplace violence prevention program in your organization, see Violence in the Workplace - Establish a Prevention Program.

How can training be delivered?
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This course is delivered as an on-line e-learning course. All you need is a computer, access to the Internet - and you are ready to go! This e-learning course is designed to help you learn at your own pace and in your own environment at your own convenience.

Content for this course was developed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), and reviewed by labour, employer and government representatives to ensure a balanced perspective.

This course is also available in French

Item Number: EVIOAWR-P0304EN

Content for this course was developed by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), and reviewed by labour, employer and government representatives to ensure a balanced perspective.

©Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. All rights Reserved. E-Course description and content provided by CCOHS under license with WSPS. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution strictly prohibited.

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